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  • Writer's pictureJournal of Deutschland

Updated: Jun 17, 2019

Hello again!

Didn't I promise that it wouldn't be long until next time? Well, here I am, just back from my PDO with YFU Sweden. PDO, as the title suggests, is short for "Pre Departure Orientation" and is a three-day camp where all the Swedish YFU students leaving for an exchange this summer, meet to prepare for the year that lies ahead. These days were lead and organised by YFU volunteers, which all were former exchange students that were there to give us loads of advice regarding our exchanges. Speaking from own experience, they shared their thoughts on how to give yourself the best possibility of adapting to your host country and the language that is spoken there, how to deal with homesickness when it strikes you, how to truly become a part of your new community, your school and first and foremost your host family, and much, much more.

Essentially, all possible advice that can be helpful during our exchange year was given to us, and now afterwards, I can only say a big thank you to YFU for doing this. It was so nice to be able to share your thoughts and all the small worries that you might have had with other students who all can relate and probably feel the same way too. Also, with PDO, the whole situation suddenly became so real. Whilst talking about all the things, small to big, that might occur during a year abroad, and hearing about where everyone else will be going in the world you realised in a way which, at least I hadn't really done before, what a unique and precious time that you have in front of you. How many things that I will experience, how these will change me as a person and perhaps the most exciting, but at the same time scary, thing of them all... I am actually leaving in just a few weeks time....

During these three days, our schedules were almost busier than the one I have had in school, but what a great time we had still! Amazing food as well as "Swedish Fika" was mixed in with teambuilding activities and games between all the sessions that were planned. It was during these sessions, which varied between 30 to 90 minutes, that we sat down together in smaller groups with one responsible volunteer and talked about different topics that were important for us to adress before our departure. We were given the chance to ask all the questions that we could think of, and I am sure that these hours of advice will turn out to be of such a great help at times when I might find myself a bit lost and confused in my new, German life.

To finish things off, we were asked to write a letter to ourselves in the future, which YFU then will send at around Christmas time, telling our future-selves a little bit about the feelings that start creeping up on us now, any goals that we might have for our year, how we picture our life abroad to be like and things as such. I can imagine that it will be so fun, when that time comes, to receive my letter and see how everything that I think and feel now compares to what it actually will be like.

So that was a little summary for you of what my last couple of days have looked like with my PDO. Now you will only have to wish me luck with all the last preparations during the summer, such as packing and buying clothes for a year, as well as with the work that lies ahead of transforming the German language from a mere modern language at school to a language as close to a native one as possible. To start the process off, I plan to make good use of the summer holidays and expose myself to German influences and make it a part of my everyday life. For example, I will start watching a German TV-series that another "Germany student" at my PDO recommended and I have also switched the language on my phone from Swedish to German, which already has confused me more than once. But practice makes perfect, right? :)

Now I will just leave you with some pictures from my PDO at Kärsögården in Stockholm, and wish you a wonderful time in the summer sun until we speak soon again!

// Louise

The first thing we did after arriving to the camp and finding the rooms where we would sleep, was to play games together as a big group. Although it was the first time then, it definitely would not be the last during the days to come...

Here you see us at a session during which we brainstormed about different challenges that an exchange year could entail, as well as about individual goals to set for ourselves.

Some late evening teambuilding together with all the students and volunteers

All of the students and volunteers together before we said goodbye and good luck to everyone. I hope that all of you get an experience for life and a year full of amazing moments and memories! See you in a year again, but until then, good luck and have fun!

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  • Writer's pictureJournal of Deutschland

Hello everyone!

A very warm welcome to this brand new blog, Journal of Deutschland, and to my very first post here.

My name is Louise and I am an 18-year old student from Sweden who lives in Stockholm and studies the Natural Science programme in school. I have a great passion for photography and music, as well as the equestrian sport, which has been a big part of my life for almost as long as I can remember.

But enough said about me for now. I can't reveal all the details here if the "about" section is to be of any interest to read. Let us instead focus on untangling the mysterious title of this post and get to the real reason behind its mere existence... I am going on an exchange year!! Can you believe it? I certainly can not, at least not without difficulties!

I hardly know where to start as I am so thrilled and excited, but I suppose that the least I can do is tell you all where I will be going. In the middle of August, so only in about two months from now, I will be leaving Sweden to spend a year abroad in Germany. There, I will be living with a German host family, attend a German High School and just experience what a German lifestyle has to offer. I am so much looking forward to all the friends and memories that I will make, and I really hope that you would like to join me on my journey with the help of this blog and the posts that I will share here with you. I also have an instagram account, @journalofdeutschland, where I, just as with this website, intend to post regular updates of what I am up to during the year, to give you all a taste of what a German every-day life could look like.

This amazing experience will without doubt be a year like no other. To be a part of it and to see Germany and the life as an exchange student through my eyes, sign up to my mailing list below or follow me on instagram. That way you will never miss when an update from the continent is posted.

Now it is only weeks left until I step on the plane, heading towards Germany, but trust me, I won't have to wait for that time to strike in order to post something relevant here... Oh no, for instance, just you wait until you see me pack... That's something that will need a post of its own ;)

But for now, take care, and I will soon be back here again to give you an insight in my preparation for this great year that lies ahead...

See you then,


This is me, (hello all), and as you can see, the organisation that I will be doing this exchange with is YFU, Youth for Understanding

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